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The Universidad Autónoma of Madrid and Queen Mary University of London have signed a collaboration agreement to exchange a maximum of 10 students per semester in their respective LL.M.s.

In order to take part in this exchange, students must demonstrate that their level of English is sufficient to pass the chosen modules. Applications should be made to the UAM-LLM IP & IT Directive Board before 1 November of the year prior to the exchange. 

Successful applicants may take up to three modules of the IP LLM offered by Queen Mary University of London, and will be assessed on the basis of an essay, written examination or on research work in each module. Queen Mary University of London will only issue the corresponding certificate if all subjects are passed.

Credits obtained by students in Queen Mary University of London courses will count for the UAM-LLM IP & IT programme, according to current regulations.

Queen Mary University of London will provide students with information and offers of accommodation and will give them general assistance